25 Jul

A closer look at Immediate Past Master Michael Shapiro’s gift to the Company.


Since our very beginnings, it’s been customary for the outgoing Master to present a gift to the Company at the end of their year as Master.

These so-called “treasures”, which are housed in IT Hall in Farringdon, have been quite diverse over the years: a Beadle staff, new Master’s gown, table lectern, embossed leather folders, and gold goblets.

And this year, Immediate Past Master Michael Shapiro gifted a new “treasure” to add to the collection: the Immediate Past Master’s badge.

“The Master’s departing gift will always be an important part of our contribution to the Company. When it came to adding my own “treasure” to our collection, I wanted to present something which was as timeless as it was modern. And importantly, something which would have relevance to the Company for many, many years to come. And most importantly, be used regularly.” – Michael Shapiro

Just as many other Livery Companies themselves have badges for their Immediate Past Masters, IPM Michael wanted to ensure that all who follow in his footsteps received recognition at Company events and get-togethers.


Creating the Design

Michael consulted the Prime Warden of The Worshipful Company of Goldsmiths for guidance, and a recommendation on who might be best placed to help him create the badge.

Oscar Saurin, one of the next generation of designers and goldsmiths, took on the ambitious task, and began to work with Michael earlier this year to bring the new “treasure” to life.

“Creating an item for any Livery Company doesn’t happen every day, let alone something as memorable and long-standing as a Company badge. Michael had a true vision for this piece, and it was a pleasure to see it go from a concept to a reality that will – I hope! – withstand the test of time.” – Oscar Saurin

Together, they discussed their ideas for a sleek, modern badge, and worked on numerous designs to ensure that the final product embodies all the many facets of the Company and its position in global trade, as well as reflecting the donor.

The badge is divided into five segments, each symbolising the history and ongoing impact of World Traders:


The Tower Bridge

Symbolising the great City of London, and our roadway which enables the safe passage of thousands of global trading vessels each year.

The Sheep

Symbolising our close trade links with New Zealand and the Company, and the Freeman’s right to ‘drive’ their sheep over the bridge in the City.

The Plane

Symbolising modern transportation for trade, and the Company’s intrinsic affiliations with and appreciation for the RAF.

The Container Ship

Symbolising the essential role of trade ports around the world, and our own links to the Royal Navy.

The Computer

Symbolising the digitisation of global trade and documents, a nod to Michael’s career as a lawyer, and his chair of Lord Mayor Michael Mainelli’s initiative on the smart economy networks.

Set on ‘World Traders Blue’, the badge also contains our motto: “Commerce And Honest Friendship With All”, from Thomas Jefferson on the reverse. It also records the presentation of the badge by Michael Shapiro.

A Piece of World Traders History              

From start to finish, the badge took approximately 4 months to develop. On its completion, it was hallmarked 925 sterling silver, as well as receiving the prestigious King’ Coronation Mark – awarded within 12 months of His Majesty’s Coronation.

IPM Michael Shapiro proudly presented the badge to Master Michael Larsen at the Election Dinner on 30 April 2024, and has been wearing the “treasure” to key Company events and appearances since.

In October, this right to wear the badge will of course pass along to Master Michael Larsen as his term concludes – and so on. Cementing itself as an important piece of World Traders history.

Lala Cooper