The World Traders’ Company is unique in offering a platform within the Livery tradition for independent and positive  discussion and encouragement of world trade.

Our members come from a variety of professions, including many aspects of Finance, Law, Education and Business and from a very broad range of nationalities and cultures. We are delighted to count among our Past Masters an increasing number of women and individuals born outside the UK.

Taking place every year, the Tacitus Lecture and Tacitus Debate are key events in our calendar which foster an in-depth understanding of world trade. The opinions raised are the speakers’ own and the discussion is always lively. We warmly invite questions from the floor: not just from the business community, but from academics, students and the members of the armed forces also.

We connect our interest in world trade with our education and charity work. The charities that we support are influenced by World Traders motto, Thomas Jefferson’s “Commerce and Honest Friendship with All”. Every year a PhD student is assisted by our grant for research into world trade at the World Maritime University in Malmo, Sweden.


World Trade Bulletin

Past Master Alderman Professor Michael Mainelli and his team at Z/Yen have donated a bulletin that tracks major issues in world trade and sends updates as news occurs.

You can view the bulletin here and link to it at any time. The World Traders would like to thank Professor Mainelli for this useful news source. If you would like to register for email notifications, you can do so here.