Mr Eric Tracey, Master 2003-2004
Mr Eric Frank Tracey was born on 3 July 1948 and is married to Patricia. His occupation was Chartered Accountant and his company Deloitte.
He joined the World Traders’ Company on 1 April 1991 having been introduced by Mr George Capon. He was clothed as a liverymen on 16 March 2000, having received the Freedom of the Company on 27 April 1994, and the Freedom of the City of London on 8 December 1999.
His roots are in New Zealand. In 1973 he came to London with his wife, Patricia, planning only to stay two years. When he is not working or watching rugby or cricket or playing the latter (including in 2004 acting as 12th man for The Black Caps, the New Zealand national team), he spends time in his garden in Wiltshire, walking in the countryside and visiting local hostelries, and supporting local artists and sculptors by collecting unusual objets d’art.
Following nearly twenty five years as a partner in Deloitte & Touche in London he began a second career as a financial troubleshooter who joins companies to help achieve specific shareholder value driven objectives. These have included Amey plc, where as the Acting Finance Director, he steered the company to a successful takeover and Wembley PLC where he managed major litigation, the reorganisation and planning of businesses and an efficient return of capital to shareholders. He has also taken up non executive roles at Chloride Group, Goodenough College, the advisory board of Governance 4 Owners and as chairman of an advisory board for NZ Trade & Enterprise.
Previously at Deloitte he had been the leader of the firm’s European Energy, Infrasrtucture & Utilities practice and prior to that the head of one of the audit operating groups. His clients there included such household names as Amstrad, BAA, the Civil Aviation Authority, Chubb Security, National Air Traffic Services, Taylor Woodrow and Railtrack Group.