13 Nov

On 28 October, the maritime and oceans leaders of tomorrow graduated from the World Maritime University (WMU). The Class of 2023 has received the education required to contribute to maritime and ocean issues in their home countries, and more broadly to the implementation of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs). The graduating class includes 283 graduates from 71 countries and sets a record of 99 women graduates at 35 percent.

WMU President, Professor Maximo Q. Mejia, Jr., delivered welcome remarks. As a WMU graduate himself, President Mejia reflected on the power of the WMU experience and how it affects the way one thinks, works, plans, and interacts. Addressing the graduates he said,

“You have certainly acquired information that you did not possess before you enrolled here. Perhaps more importantly for your future in the international maritime world, you have acquired a real and strong network on which you can rely for decades to come.”

In his graduation address, HE Mr Kitack Lim, the first WMU graduate to serve as International Maritime Organization (IMO) Secretary-General and WMU Chancellor, thanked the City of Malmö and the Government of Sweden for their continued generosity and support in hosting the University, as well as the many donors for their ongoing commitment to the WMU mission and its sustainability. Addressing the graduates directly, he said,

“Collectively, WMU graduates form a formidable international network, a force for good in the world. Your influence as global citizens, educated in a unique environment, will extend far beyond what you can envision today.”

On behalf of the City of Malmö, Ms Carina Nilsson, Mayor and Chairperson of the Malmö City Council addressed the gathering and expressed the City’s pride in hosting the University. She noted that one of the greatest strengths of WMU is its diverse community, and as a diverse City with over 180 nationalities, Malmö is a fitting home for WMU. She wished the graduates well, saying,

“When you take the next step in your careers, keep in mind that success is not solely measured by accomplishments and titles. True success lies in making a positive impact, contributing to the greater good. The maritime industry plays a vital role in today’s global world. Each one of you has the power to make a positive impact on this industry, and therefore, the world itself.”

Annual Student Awards

Mr. Sergii Kazantsev (Ukraine) received the Richard Charvet Scholarship for the best student specializing in Maritime Law and Policy. Read his interview here.

Mr Harsh Bhagirath Buch (India) received the Richard Charvet Scholarship for the best student of the Master of Laws in International Maritime Law. Read his interview here.

If you’d like to know more about Harsh Bhagirath Buch, you can visit his LinkedIn profile.

Lars Sahlin