What Patient Capital can do for you
On July 16th, 2019 nearly 60 World Traders and their guests gathered at the Caledonian Club for a…
Michael Mainelli Elected Sheriff
World Traders congratulate their Past Master, Alderman Professor Michael Mainelli, on his election as Aldermanic Sheriff of…
A glimpse into our autonomous future
On an uncharacteristically soggy June day some 30 World Traders and guests arrived at Blue Bear Systems…
Panel discussion “Women in International Trade”
"International Women's Day is always a moment to celebrate how far we have come and to set...
Tacitus Lecture 2019
The Financial Sector: Redefining a Broader Sense of Purpose by Christine Lagarde, Managing Director, International Monetary Fund...
Tacitus 2019: Christine Lagarde
This year’s Tacitus Lecture, delivered by IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde, sprinkled a little magic dust over...
A Day with RAF Benson
The theme for the day was all-round sunshine, smiles and total admiration for the ground and air...
On the Road Again
It was a cold, wet, windy night in Islington. But at the instigation of Liveryman and impresario...
World Maritime University Graduation
As one of the Company’s few Swedish nationals and residents, I was delighted to represent the Company...
Silk & Anti-Slavery Event, 15 November
If you missed Court Assistant Michael Larsen’s first modeling gig, his smiling picture tells only part of...